Following the Supreme Court of India’s direction dated 5th December, 2022, a Representation was made by the legal team of NGO GOLA Foundation to NOTTO, Ministry of Health, Government of India.
A meeting was convened on 9th January 2023, by NOTTO, all five ROTTOs, all SOTTOs and Ministry of Health of the state governments where SOTTO is not yet established.
Minutes of the said meeting were published on 10th February, 2023, announcing the various changes to the Organ Transplant Law, including the removal of the domicile certificate requirement by certain states.
The Honorable Prime Minister of India also talks about the importance of organ donation in his Mann Ki Baat podcast dated 26th March, 2023. In this podcast he also made an announcement about the removal of domicile certificate requirement for cadaveric organ transplant registration.
Our mission is to promote a clear, consistent, and unambiguous implementation of The Transplantation of Human Organs and Tissues Act, 1994 and the Transplantation of Human Organs and Tissues Rules, 2014 in every hospital across India. We aim to ensure that every patient is able to access organ transplantation without facing any legal complexities or inconsistencies.
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